Notetaking Provisions


Notetaking provisions are determined on a case-by-case basis, in consideration of an individual's disability documentation or presentation of the functional limitations of a condition which impacts the student’s ability to take notes.

Approved notetaking provisions are outlined via an Academic Adjustment Plan.

Notetaking Provisions

Use of Computer for Typing Notes

Students are responsible for bringing a laptop or tablet to each class/meeting and are only permitted to use appropriate notetaking programs/software during class. Misuse of this accommodation (e.g., using the Internet for non-educational purposes) may result in this academic adjustment being revoked and an alternate provision implemented. 

 Access to Class Lecture Material

Access to Class Lecture Materials is intended to fill in gaps in a student’s own notes when the disability limitations impede the ability to keep up during class lectures. These act as a supplement to the student’s personal notes and are not intended to replace their own note-taking. Access to such materials should be discussed and may occur by reviewing materials during office hours, shared electronically or via hard copy, etc. and when possible, prior to class.

Instructors are not required to create notes or provide access to personal teaching notes/outlines not disseminated to the class.  

Audio Recording Lectures

Audio Recording of Lectures is intended to be used by students whose disability impacts their ability to take notes within the classroom environment. Audio recording is generally the most accurate and complete way to capture class information for students who have sensory impacts (visual or hearing), fine motor impacts, or cognitive processing delays. 

It is generally not appropriate for courses which are discussion-based where sensitive and personal stories and dialogue are critical components and for which note-taking would not be expected or where the lecture format is highly visual, such as for math or science classes.

Students may be asked to sign recording agreement (PDF) per the instructor's request before utilizing this accommodation. Students are responsible for bringing an audio recording device to each class/meeting. ODR has audio recording devices available if needed. Personal cell phones, computers, or other electronic devices may be used.

Appropriate placement of the device should be discussed. It is recommended that the device should be placed in consideration of limiting background noise, proximity of presenter, etc.

Assistive Technology  for Note-Taking

Note-taking with assistive technology is an accessible alternative to traditional pen-and-paper-only notes. Technology may be used to create audio transcriptions or take digital notes.  Students are responsible for bringing their equipment to each class/meeting and are only permitted to use appropriate note-taking equipment during class.

Supplemental Peer Notes

Supplemental Peer Notes are not intended to substitute a student’s own notes. Students approved to receive supplemental notes from a classmate should complete a request via the ODR online module as early in the semester as possible for each course in which a notetaker is needed.

Classmates who volunteer in this capacity should provide clear, organized, and timely notes. Collaboration amongst ODR, the student, and the instructor is needed to coordinate a classmate to provide supplemental notes in a timely manner. Requests received after midterms may not be reasonable to coordinate.

Supplemental Peer Notes may be provided via: photos of handwritten notes, typed notes, or duplicate paper notes, etc.  

ODR will contact the instructor with detailed steps when assistance in identifying a classmate is needed. Instructors may be asked to make an anonymous announcement that a classmate is needed to provide supplemental peer notes.