Alternate Format Accommodations for Students

Alternate Format Accommodations for Students

Alternate format approvals are determined on a case-by-case basis, considering an individual’s disability documentation or presentation of the functional limitations of a disability preventing them from reading traditional text material or from using printed material.

Digital materials provided may require students to use text-to-speech technology (i.e. electronic reader) to have text read aloud.

Alternate format materials are for individual use only and may not be shared; any duplication of materials is prohibited.

Alternate Format of Course Material Provided by Instructor: Enlarged Print

Paper documents provided in the course need to be printed in a minimum of 16-point font. Enlarging some material (manipulatives/images/charts, etc.) may impact the integrity of the material or may not be possible, and personal portable magnification may be a better alternative for the student. Please communicate with ODR if you have material that cannot be enlarged.

Alternate Format of Course Material Provided by Instructor: Accessible Electronic Version

Policy 909 Digital Accessibility(link is external) establishes that all course materials, including documents, tests, articles, etc., provided to the class must be accessible. Use best practices for making and converting accessible documents(link is external) and course content(link is external).

Electronic Format of Books

The Campus Store’s Textbook Rental Program(link is external) provides approximately 80% of textbooks and course materials in digital format. These digital materials contain several accessibility features, including magnification and Read Aloud (text-to-speech)(link is external).

For textbooks not available in electronic format, students with print-related disabilities can request an accessible digital format from ODR by completing the request form in the Student Module. Please note that proof of purchase or rental is required. 

Physical Format of Books

Students who prefer physical textbooks or course materials can:

Students with disabilities that prevent them from being able to utilize digital materials are encouraged to contact ODR prior to the semester beginning to discuss possible accommodation options.