Priority registration is determined on a case-by-case basis based on an individual’s documentation or representation of the functional limitations of a disability. Priority registration allows currently enrolled undergraduate students early access to the registration system during the beginning of the Early Registration Period on the priority registration day each fall and spring semester. Course prerequisites are the responsibility of the student as ODR does not have the authority to add students into restricted or closed course sections.
Students who wish to receive priority registration must complete registration with ODR within the first five (5) weeks of the semester in which they wish to utilize the accommodation.
In order to access the registration system on the priority registration day, an Alternate PIN number is required. Students who have required advising must meet with their academic advisor to obtain an Alternate PIN number. Students who do not have required academic advising will receive Alternate PIN numbers via email from the Registrar's Office. ODR does not have access to Alternate PIN numbers and cannot serve as academic advisors.
It is the student’s responsibility to meet with an academic advisor, plan an approved class schedule, and be prepared to register on the priority registration day.
Registration guides, calendars and information can be found via the Office of the Registrar.