Receiving Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan

Receiving Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan, Now What?

Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plans for students with disabilities

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, appropriate academic adjustments are determined individually in order for a qualified individual to have equal access to programs, services, and activities. The purpose of such adjustments  within courses  is to minimize the effects of the disability's impact and functional limitations to allow students to complete the established academic standards and course/program requirements.

Student needs may vary according to course requirements, class format and environment ; therefore, not all approved academic adjustments may be applicable in each course. For example, a student may not need to utilize testing academic adjustments if a course does not have tests.

Receiving Notification from ODR

Students are responsible for initiating a request for instructors to view their Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan via ODR’s online module. Instructors will receive an email from ODR  with instructions for viewing. While accommodations are not retroactive, students may share their Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan at any point in the semester for a number of reasons, or not at all.

Viewing the Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan

To access  the Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan for any student who has made that request, first login into the ODR instructor online module. The Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan is viewable via PDF. Only students who have requested their instructors view their Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan will appear for a course within the module.

Confirming Receipt of Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan

An interactive communication with the student should occur to establish which academic adjustments will be needed and how they will be used. For students with additional time on timed assessments  it is vital to establish if the instructor will be able to provide within classroom or office, how arrangements need to be made, or if ODR proctoring will be utilized.

Additional Requests by Students

If additional requests are made which are not listed on the Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan, instructors should only provide considerations that would be available to all others, or refer the student to make an additional request through ODR.

Questions Regarding Academic Adjustments & Accommodations

Additional guidance for faculty can be found regarding providing student accommodations  and how to create accessible courses. ODR encourages faculty to call with any additional questions regarding accommodation usage.