Since some individuals have reactions to perfumes and fragrances found in beauty and personal hygiene products, ODR asks that our visitors refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, and other fragrances, and use unscented personal care products, when possible, in order to promote a fragrance-free environment.
Testing Proctoring Hours, Location & Contact
ODR Test Proctoring is located in Suite 112, Anne Belk Hall. Proctoring Email or 828-262-3056.
Proctoring Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am-5:30 pm
Friday: 8:30 am-4:00 pm
Summer 1 and 2
- Monday - Friday: 8:30 am-4:00 pm
Final Exams (Fall and Spring)
- 9:00 am and 1:00 pm
- No exams will be given on Reading Day
- Extended time will be given in accordance with the designated University exam schedule of 2.5 hours per exam.
Test Proctoring Procedures
Test Proctoring
Test proctoring will be available on a limited basis for the use of instructors in face-to-face courses who are unable to provide the approved testing adjustments for tests that have a duration of more than 30 minutes (45 minutes with 50% extended time). ODR cannot proctor online tests that take place outside of the classroom and are not proctored by faculty.
Students will be continuously monitored and only allowed to leave the testing environment if instructors have indicated that unescorted restroom breaks are permitted.
Since some individuals react to perfumes and fragrances found in beauty and personal hygiene products, ODR asks that our visitors refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, and other fragrances and use unscented personal care products when possible to promote a fragrance-free environment.
Integrity Violations
Students suspected of a potential violation of the Academic Integrity Code will not be able to continue taking that test. All allegations are immediately reported to the instructor and the Office of Student Conduct.
Scheduling Tests in ODR
To use ODR test proctoring, students must make a test request via the ODR online module five (5) business days prior. Students may need to request times outside of class time to ensure proctoring space.
Utilizing ODR test proctoring indicates that both the student and the instructor:
have reviewed and discussed the student’s Academic Adjustment Plan from ODR;
understand and agree to comply with these test proctoring policies and procedures and the University’s Academic Integrity Code.
Once a student submits a test request, instructors will receive an email notification requiring confirmation of test details (test date/time, materials allowed, etc.) via the ODR online module in order for ODR to schedule the test.
Students will receive an email with instructions for procedures to follow upon arrival at ODR.
Non-Standard Test Request
Students should follow established time frames regarding requesting tests to ensure ODR can schedule the test. A Non-Standard Request may be submitted for extenuating circumstances such as less than a week's notice of the test, unexpected disability-related event, or a make-up test. Submission of this request does not guarantee the test can be scheduled in ODR. The test proctoring schedule, proctor availability, timeliness of your request, extenuating factors, and other factors as applicable will be considered when reviewing these requests.
Students and instructors will only be contacted with the next steps should ODR be able to schedule the test at the requested date/time.
Late Arrivals
Students are expected to contact ODR if they are late. Students must arrive at ODR no later than 15 minutes past their start time. Students who are late beyond 15 minutes are not guaranteed they will be able to take their tests.
Materials/Technology in ODR
Scantrons are available during testing. For most computer tests, students will need to bring their own personal computers if needed for accommodation or a particular test. Instructors should consult with ODR if specific computer programs or software are needed.
Only the test and materials indicated by the instructor are allowed in the testing environment. Personal belongings, including book bags and electronic devices, will be placed in cubbies during test administration.
Distraction Reduced Environment Test Proctoring Through ODR
Through the ODR Student Module, students can proactively schedule timed assessments to be taken in one of the testing rooms inside the ODR office or in the final exam space. These environments are designed to facilitate the DRE for timed assessments if an instructor is unable to make arrangements for or provide an appropriate environment that meets the approved academic adjustment(s). Due to space and time demands, ODR cannot guarantee proctoring will be available for all requests. If ODR is unable to provide proctoring, students and instructors should make arrangements to provide the approved academic testing adjustments (e.g., in a space in the department, such as a quiet office, classroom, or conference room). Instructors may follow up with ODR should they have questions or concerns regarding the provision of an approved academic adjustment for timed assessments.
Special Considerations for Final Exams
Students should review the University’s Final Exam Schedule and Policies to ensure correct exam times and understanding of appropriate exam policies. ODR only proctors final exams at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. Students should schedule their final exam as close to the original final exam time as possible.
Students eligible for more than 50% extended time will need to start their exams at 9:00 am.
Due to the high volume of students and limited space, ODR utilizes additional space outside of our office for final exams in both Anne Belk Hall and the Plemmons Student Union. Sound reduction headphones, ear plugs, and privacy carrel boards will be provided to ensure a distraction-reduced environment. ODR will be unable to guarantee an individual room during the final exam period as first priority will be given to testers with assistive technology. Because of the large number of exams ODR proctors during each exam time, students will not be allowed to enter the exam room late. Students should make arrangements to arrive at ODR or their designated final exam location at least 15 minutes early before each scheduled final exam.