Students must share and discuss their approved academic adjustments outlined on their Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan, which outlines approved accommodations. Together, the student and the instructor must determine whether the instructor can provide the testing accommodations instead of ODR Test Proctoring.
Students are expected to give reasonable notice (at least one week or 5 business days) to instructors to coordinate prior to each test/quiz, unless otherwise indicated by the instructor.
Instructors should consult with ODR regarding tests/quizzes which require alternate format or assistive technology accommodations.
In general instructors are responsible for administering testing accommodations for any assessment (such as a quiz) with a duration of less than 30 minutes. Instructors should consult with ODR if unable to provide testing accommodations for a quiz.
Options for accommodating quizzes, especially those which are unannounced, could include:
- students can arrive early, or stay late,
- take quiz in an alternate location (office, conference room, etc.)
- allow student to take quiz via AsUlearn,
- allow student to take quiz as a take home.
ODR can provide disposable ear plugs to assist in reducing auditory distractions as requested.
Contingent on available space and monitoring, instructors may provide testing accommodations without the use of ODR Test Proctoring. Options may include taking the test during instructor office hours or in a separate location such as a conference room.
Instructors should contact ODR with any questions regarding non-traditional classroom tests such as group testing.
Take Home Assessments
Certain testing accommodations, such as extended test time, may not apply to untimed take home tests/quizzes/exams. If an assessment has a deadline, but is not a timed, the extended time accommodation would not apply.
Other testing accommodations, such as Assistive Technology: Text to Speech or Alternate Format, would still apply to take home assessments.
Instructors should contact ODR with any questions regarding take home assessments.
Online Testing
Extended time accommodations can be applied to most online platforms including AsULearn assessments.
Alternate Format/Assistive Technology
Certain accommodations will require that a test be in an accessible electronic format so that assistive technology, such as a screen reader or text to speech software, can be used. Such technology can only read text and not graphics, or any text embedded in picture format.
Instructors should contact ODR regarding accessible electronic format questions.