Welcome Incoming Students
The content located on this page is intended to supplement information provided as an incoming student, during Orientation, and other incoming student resources offered on campus. This incoming student resource page will be updated regularly; please refer back for additional information at a later date.
Upcoming: Hold the Date! Incoming Student & Family Webinar
July 24th from 9am-1 pm
Webinar registration
The Office of Access & Equity: Disability Resources (ODR) invites you to attend an informational webinar focused on successful transition and connection to the ODR at Appalachian State University. Participants can expect to learn about:
- ODR Office and Staff
- How to get the most out of your connection with ODR
- Self Advocacy
- Differences in Accommodations and Educational Law in High School vs. College
- ODR Test Proctoring Resource
- Effective Study Skills & Assistive Technology
- How to make the most of campus resources and additional supports
As an Incoming Student with a Disability
- Get Connected with ODR! After being accepted and committing to App State, we encourage you to start the Requesting Accommodation process. As an incoming student with accommodation requests relevant for next semester, ODR will generally review incoming materials after all current student requests for the current semester are completed.
- Apply for On Campus Housing and submit any associated housing accommodation requests. Students are encouraged to make requests for housing accommodations prior to housing assignments being made to ensure availability and options. Once housing assignments are made, requests may be subject to availability. The location, access points, bed (bunk bed/lofts), room style and bathroom type vary greatly between each residence hall. Students are encouraged to research which housing options will work best prior to completing the housing application.
New Incoming first years are required to live on campus.
Transfer students are not required to live on campus but may apply.
Register for Classes We recommend completing the Early Registration Advising as soon as it opens to help you build the schedule that's most appropriate for you. Please note the longer you wait past Early Registration Advising, the fewer course options and times will be available.
Be mindful of scheduling classes so you may use your accommodations (i.e., not taking back to back classes when you plan to use extended test time).
Consider locations and travel time needed between classes to ensure you are on time.
Consider optimal times to be in class with medication usage or potential challenges or exacerbations related to your disability that could impact your schedule.
Choose formats most conducive to your learning style ie. seated vs. online; large lecture vs small class, etc.
New incoming students must attend Orientation. Parents/Families have their own Orientation at the same time which they must register.
Students should create a preliminary schedule through Early Registration Advising prior to Orientation. During Orientation, schedules can be solidified.
Students are encouraged to share disability related impacts which may be important in creating a course schedule.
Academic Advisors will not be informed about your disability related impact (ie., needs more time to read and comprehend material, etc.) unless it is self disclosed. Advisors will generally recommend a course load to match a four year graduation plan. Pending the disability, students may need to advocate to the advisor how disability limitations may necessitate an alternate course load. For example: for some students taking fewer classes than recommended (but still remaining full time) sets them up for greater success especially in the transition to higher education. Others may also need to consider subjects which should not be taken together due to specific disability impacts, such as two math intensive courses for a student with a learning disability in math.
Placement tests need to be completed before students attend Orientation.
Please refer to the Placement Tests website to determine which tests are required for you.
Generally only students who need accessible formats need accommodations on these tests, as placement tests are only grading what you complete, in order to determine the appropriate course level to begin with. Typically, we recommend taking the placement test first without accommodations. If after taking, it is believed there is a disability related limitation which impacts results, students may contact ODR to discuss options.
- Identify Resources you plan to use during your academic journey.
Resources for Disability Management vs Disability Accommodations
Students generally need to not only use disability related accommodations within higher education, but also need to utilize additional resources.
Accommodations include academic adjustments, auxiliary aids/services, modifications to policies, and procedures. These accommodations are intended to minimize (not remove) the effects of the impact of specific limitations caused by a disability to ensure equal access and opportunity for participation.
Resources are used to enhance opportunities for success, or in managing their personal disability related impacts. Such resources could include: content tutors, academic skill development consultations/supports, counseling services, health services, wellness and prevention, clubs and activities, university recreation, etc.
Relevant Resources
Transitioning to Higher Education which outlines differences to expect during the academic journey in postsecondary education
Navigating College with Disability & Accommodations which outlines how to best navigate higher education while using accommodations.
College STAR (Student Transition, Access, & Retention) is a network of professionals who provide support to students who have learning differences in the college settings, for example: Autism, Dyslexia, Executive Functioning, Mental Health, and other Neurodiversities. The goal of this group is to build a nurturing community of collaboration where they share resources and experiences.